Fergie: digitaLA

..this is a place where I will post pictures of things..

May 25, 2006

Mini Race Car Driving

Went mini race car driving with my grrl-friend Kink for her birthday. The tracks were tight and those little ass cars zipped around, tires spinning out, racing as a group against kids of all ages, or at least those over 48" tall. It was wicked fun!

Drinkin' & Drivin'

The most rockin' part about the race track was the non-mini bar, The Fat Tire. We did a lap on the track & did a round, then went for another cycle. This repeated for most of the afternoon.

May 20, 2006

shots from my rockr phone

Random stop in Hollywood after a flat tire left me stranded on a beatiful day in front of a sidewalk flower shop. Waiting for a tow truck is usually a bore, then I remembered my new phone has a built in camera.

May 03, 2006

I'm Baa-ack

Here's another project that I haven't been able to update due to the lack of a computer. Now I have computer. So that's that.